How To Use Tanning Drops: The Full Guide

Tanning drops are a popular way to get that summer glow, but it can be hard to figure out how much is too much. 

The problem with tanning drops is that they’re hard to use properly. They come in dropper bottles and you have no idea what the right amount of product should look like or feel like on your skin. You want the perfect natural-looking tan without being orange, but there are so many products and brands out there, how do you know which one works best? 

We created this guide because we wanted an easy resource for people who didn’t want to waste money on products that don’t work well or give them results they aren’t happy with. This article will walk you through everything from choosing a brand of tanning lotion (we recommend St Tropez) to applying it correctly every time so you never end up orange again!

Get the lowdown.

1. What are tanning drops and how do they work

Tanning drops are a topical solution used to create a tan without the need for exposure to UV rays. The active ingredients in these products include dihydroxyacetone (DHA), which reacts with amino acids on your skin’s surface and produces calcium-containing substances called melanoidins that produce an appearance of browning similar to tanned skin but should not be confused with actual sunburn or other forms of ultraviolet injury. Tanning drops can provide benefits such as protection from UVA/UVB radiation by creating antioxidants naturally and may also help protect against wrinkles, age spots, liver damage caused by alcohol consumption and some types cancer due its product properties listed above.

2. How to use tanning drops

You can apply tanning drops to your skin before going out into the sun to get a nice, even complexion. Simply mix one drop of liquid with three squirts of your favorite lotion and massage it onto your face, arms or legs for at least 10 minutes, longer if desired. We love to use DRMTLGY’s Soothe & Recovery cream, for lightweight, non-greasy moisture. 

3. Why people like using tan-in-a-bottle 

You may be wondering why people like using tan-in-a-bottle. Well, it’s because they don’t have the time to go outside and soak in that sun!

People who are too busy with their work or school schedule can now take a little break from all of those responsibilities by wearing a simple solution on their skin for just 10 minutes each day.

Aside from the obvious, it is also beneficial to your skin health. Avoiding harmful UVA/UVB rays could help reduce your risk of skin cancer. We’d also recommend pairing your tanning drops with an SPF of 30+ for optimal protection from harmful rays.

4. The best time of day to apply the product for optimal results 

The best time to apply a sunless tanner is before bedtime, so it has the chance to set into the skin overnight.

Exfoliating and moisturizing your skin beforehand makes sure you get an even application of color across your entire face and/or body. Rather than having streaks or areas that are too dark, this helps ensure everyone looks natural in their own special way!

You can thank us later.

Sunless tanning drops are a great way to get an instant, temporary glow without the risk of sun damage. We’ve given you five tips on how to use them safely so that your skin looks healthy and radiant all year round! If you want to avoid looking pale or orange for good, never fear- there are solutions for you!

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