Are Charcoal Face Masks Really Worth All The Hype?

Are charcoal face masks really effective?

A lot of people say they are, but most of the marketing is coming from companies that sell them. 

We wanted to do our own research to see if they really live up to all of their claims, but before we do that, let’s go over a bit of information.

Let’s get into it.

1. What is a charcoal face mask

Charcoal-based products come in many forms, but one common use is as a facial mask that can be used at home or while getting pampered with spa treatments. Charcoal binds to oil and traps other substances like dirt and bacteria inside it so these ingredients aren’t absorbed into our bodies when we cleanse them off later on. 

2. Benefits of using a charcoal face mask 

It is said that a charcoal face mask can be a great way to detoxify your skin, clarify pores and reduce acne. Not only that but the adsorbent properties of activated carbon will help draw out toxins from other areas in our body as well! Since this is a natural product you don’t have to worry about any harsh chemicals being absorbed into your skin or harming it in any way. All-in-all I feel like trying one of these masks would not hurt anything and could potentially do some good for your complexion long term.

3. Drawbacks of using a charcoal face mask 

A charcoal face mask is a popular beauty treatment that has its drawbacks. This type of facial mask can be messy and difficult to remove from the skin, which makes it more time-consuming than some other types of masks. It can also cause dryness or irritation in sensitive skin because this form of clay often dries out the outer layer on your epidermis by drawing moisture away from it.

4. How to use a charcoal face mask

There’s an easy DIY trick that will make you feel like you’re getting pampered without shelling out for costly treatments. All it takes is some charcoal, bentonite clay, and a few other ingredients you can find in your kitchen! We have found a great at-home recipe here

  1. Mix all ingredients together in a small bowl or container using a wooden spoon or rubber spatula. It is very important that you are not using any metal utensils or containers to mix or store the ingredients – the bentonite clay will absorb the metals and becomes less effective.
  2. Apply the mask to your face, being careful not to get any on your clothes (the charcoal can leave a stain).
  3. Leave the mask on for about 10 minutes, then wash it off with warm water and a soft cloth.

In conclusion…

After trying it out for ourselves, we think we’ll give this trend our stamp of approval! 

If you’re looking for an effective way to have clean pores and rosy cheeks then use the power of charcoal. Charcoal is good for your skin because it draws out impurities. It’s also been shown that using this type of product regularly helps reduce acne by reducing inflammation levels! So not only will you have cleaner-looking skin after usage, but fewer breakouts too!

We recommend using a charcoal face mask to get amazing-looking, healthy, and glowing skin!

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