Does Drinking Water Actually Hydrate Your Skin?

Does Drinking Water Hydrate Your Skin?

Drinking enough water is important for your health, but does drinking more actually hydrate your skin?

Many people think that by drinking lots of water their skin will be healthier and look better. But what if it doesn’t work that way? What if you’re just wasting time on a habit that won’t do anything for your skin?

We decided to investigate this question in depth. After all, we care about our readers’ health as much as they care about the appearance of their skin.

Here is what we found…

The short answer is yes! In fact, there’s a lot more to this than just keeping yourself from getting thirsty. Water plays a vital role in maintaining healthy-looking and feeling skin. It hydrates the cells of the epidermis and dermis, which keeps them looking healthy and fresh. Water also serves as a transporter for nutrients that keep those cells functioning at their best. This includes antioxidants like vitamin C, which neutralize free radicals that damage collagen production and cause premature aging of the skin. When we’re dehydrated our body will actually pull moisture from other areas of its system in order to ensure survival; including from within our skin! 

Bodies that are dehydrated will use moisture from other areas of the skin in order to compensate for a lack of hydration.

When you’re dehydrated and need water ASAP, your body uses what’s available: Your skin! When we get thirsty or are losing too much fluid through sweat or illness our body’s prime strategy becomes getting more fluids by pulling them out from less essential parts like our skin.  This response comes with some consequences such as feeling dryer than usual on top because this area has been “drained” by dehydration and having wrinkles worsen due to lost elasticity down there.

When is enough, enough?

Here’s an easy way to remember how to increase your H2O intake:

Every day, you should drink half of the weight in oz. that corresponds with what you weigh. That means if a person weighs 100 pounds then they would need 50 ounces every day or around 10 cups of liquid! 

According to Dermatologist Dr. Jeanine Downie, “If you’re dehydrated and don’t drink enough water then the moisture that is in a cream may not penetrate because there’s no moisture in the deeper layers of the skin.” So yes, while drinking more water will help keep your body healthy from the inside out, it also helps ensure the money you spend on moisturizing products will be worth it. 

You need to use products specifically designed for moisturizing like creams or lotions. These are better at penetrating deep into the dermis and keeping dryness out. This means fewer wrinkles and fine lines! DRMTLGY has some of our favorite moisturizers on the market. Their Peptide Night Cream and Soothe & Recovery Cream are among our favorites.

DRMTLGY Moisturizers

Hydrating your skin from the inside out is essential for a healthy and youthful appearance. Drinking enough water will help you to hydrate your body, which in turn helps it produce enzymes that moisturize and heal dry or cracked skin. It also ensures topical moisturizers work better because they are able to penetrate more deeply into the epidermis when there’s an adequate amount of moisture present. Consider how much water you drink every day, do you drink enough? If you’re unsure, it may be time to start looking for ways to incorporate more fluids into your daily regimen. 

Get the hydrated, youthful glow your skin deserves!

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